Dr. Richard A Hunter, Coach & Consultant


Through the Eyes of a Church Planter & Lead Pastor

Self Control and Donuts

Last Sunday I preached on self control. I confessed that I am tempted every time I drive past the Donut King. I love cinnamon rolls and apple fritters! Then that night I went to a dinner party. One of the people brought a donut boxed in its own container. On the lid was written: Will Richard have any self control? Well, everybody watched to see if I would devour the donut. I was strong and resisted it -- until the next morning. Fortunately it was not that tasty and I stopped at just two bites. Whew!! Self control is tough. We get tempted at every turn. Some folks are tempted with food, others with alcohol and cigarettes, some with electronic gadgets, others with too much TV watching, sports, politics, etc...The key is to slow down, consume less, obsess less and simply savor all we have and all we are given. This is a blessed life. Quantity is not the goal. I like what the psalmist said, "O taste and see the goodness of the Lord." Pray for me since practically everyday I have to drive by the Donut King!
