Dr. Richard A Hunter, Coach & Consultant


Through the Eyes of a Church Planter & Lead Pastor

Worship Conference

This week I am attending the National Worship Leaders Conference in Leawood, Kansas. It warms my heart to meet and see so many young, highly committed people giving their lives to Christ and His church through worship. Their passion for Jesus is contagious! It is a huge blessing to be led in worship by the very folks writing and recording some of the songs I enjoy like Israel Houghton, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman and Tenth Avenue North. I just came from a good workshop on keeping worship Gospel centered. Our worship should reveal Christ's presence and glory, adore His name and lead people to obedience to His Word. It's so simple yet we get caught up on so many other elements we have come to believe are so essential. Is our worship centered on the truth of Christ or is it full of everything we think the church should speak to and be about?

It's refreshing to be reminded of this truth and participate in worship that centers on Christ and his action on our behalf. I find myself praying that God will reveal to me what is pleasing in His sight and keep me focused on that when I worship, teach and lead. Ah, this is a glimpse of the glory we will experience forever in Heaven!